Smith Park

A plexipave surface is installed on the basketball court, making a great play area. Lines have also been added for "Four Square". If you've never played, check out the rules with this link.
In 2012 a community meeting was held, to look at long term projects for Itaska Beach. One of the projects that was discussed was installing a new playground. A number of companies and designs were reviewed, and in 2016 Park N Play installed the playground. It has been designed for ages 2 - 12 years old.
There Are:
Promotes intergenerational play as adults and children swing together. The patented face-to-face design features a toddler swing seat for children under five and a comfortable adult swing seat that allows a parent and child (or a grandparent and grandchild) to interact with each other and to experience one another’s facial expressions while at play.
There are hopper rocks & tree stumps to play games on, slides and hours of fun.
The colours and design were chosen to fit fit within the natural setting of Itaska Beach. The surface is EWF (Engineered Wood Fibre). The EWF is engineered just for playgrounds, although it may look like garden mulch, it performs and lasts and protects way different. EWF is non flammable, it holds the 11 foot fall height as a safety surfacing so that our children are safe to play.
It is extremely important in the Itaska Beach setting as pets and wildlife do not use it as a litter box, unlike sand or pea gravel. It is designed to support a variety of mobility devices including wheelchairs, crutches and walkers. This surface provides superior fall attenuation and has an attractive, natural look.
When the wood is first installed its loose but after about a month of play it settles and knits itself into layers to protect the children.
Engineered Wood Fibre is also all natural, no chemicals are used in the production or refining of this product, its hypo allergenic and clean.
There are picnic tables available in the park for residents to use.
A lovely bridge into the Audobon, with a bench to enjoy the view.
Speed limit within the buoys is 10 km / hr.
The Boat Launch had wider ties installed in 2019 to assist with making it easier to launch your boat.
That connect to neighboring Beaches, and thus the ability to bike / walk around the Lake