Annual Info Meeting

Annual Information Meeting 

July 13, 2024 at 2pm at the Park

Annual Information Meeting: AGENDA 

1. Call to Order

2. Presentations

  • Development Update - Imai Thomas Welch, Development Officer
  • Itaska Audubon Society - Darren Fee, President
  • Itaska Yacht Club - John Haley

3. Council Reports

  • Operational Highlights for 2023 -2024
    • Park and Playground Enhancement
    • Boulevard Naturalization
    • Stormwater Drainage
  • North East Pigeon Lake Regional Services Commission (NEPL) Update
  • Ice-Water Rescue Update
  • Alliance of Pigeon Lake Municipalities (APLM) Update
  • Financial Highlights
    • 2023 Audited Financial Statement
    • 2024 Budget
    • Taxes

5. Volunteer Thank You

6. Pigeon Lake Watershed Association

7. Comments / Questions from Residents

8. Adjournment 


The Summer Village will put on an Annual Information Meeting, in which all residents are invited to attend. Council will report on events and budget decisions that were made over the previous year. Residents will also have the opportunity to ask questions.


The annual picnic is back!  We will be hosting a picnic in the park for residents after the AIM, starting at ~ 4:00 p.m.  

What should you bring:

- meat to bbq

- cutlery (there will be some disposable plates and cutlery, but you are welcome to bring your own)

- tablecloth (optional but makes your table fancier)

- possibly bathing suit and towels (in case the fire department and the kids decide to play with water!)