Public Works Garbage
If your garbage can gets damaged (e.g. a broken wheel), please contact our office at (780) 312-0928, or email to It can take 2-3 weeks, as the contractor will coordinate a number of repairs at the same time.
Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:
Large Item Collection
There will be one large item collection each summer where residents may put their garbage out at the end of the driveway (the same place you would place your garbage bin.)
Some examples of ACCEPTABLE items for collection include:
NOT ALLOWED The list of unacceptable material:
We have registered for the Extended Producer Responsibility program, which may offer free recycling services starting October, 2026.
Current Recycling options available for residents:
Snow removal is done by a contractor after major snowfalls as necessary. Please contact the office if the road needs to be plowed.
Residents are reminded snow from private driveways is not cleared by the Summer Village. Snow from private driveways must be stored on your property. Do not push the snow onto municipal property, including ditches.
Snow ridges will occur at the driveway entrance when the Summer Village snow plough goes through. Property owners will be required to clear their driveway (the approach) which may include utilizing personal snow removal equipment, seeking assistance from family, friends or neighbours; or contracting a private third-party company to perform the service.
Road bans are weight restrictions that reduce the maximum weight allowed on our roads. Seasonal road bans are applied each spring to protect road infrastructure. These seasonal bans are lifted in late May or early June, depending on weather conditions.
~ April - early June, there is a 50% road ban in Itaska Beach, as well as surrounding area. The remainder of the year the road is at 75%.
For road permits, please contact Roadata Services Ltd.