Tree Planting and Beach Road Naturalization
September 12 2022
Beach Road Naturalization project
Council continues to work with McElhanney on the Beach Road Naturalization project. On the last walk-through, representatives from the Pigeon Lake Watershed were onsite to review the project and provide feedback - they were impressed with the proposed work.
The groundwork (tilling/seeding, trench bed development, etc.) be completed this Fall and tree/shrub planting completed in Spring 2023.
The attached plan will have a few modifications, but we are excited about this project and wanted residents to get an idea of what is being planned.
- Linear Tree Plantings – Spruce (White, Colorado Blue, etc.) preferred.
- McElhanney to establish base plan c/w property lines and utility records and assess proposed spruce species and arrangement to maintain setback clearance/sightlines from the edge of the road. McElhanney to assess variations in linear Spruce and native shrub beds.
- Existing turf edge to be left along Beach Road and along driveway edges.
- All other open areas to be tilled and seeded with wildflower mix.
Trees in the Park
In addition, new trees are planned to be planted in the park. They are intended to be large shade trees. Stakes were placed to show their approximate location. There were 10 trees: 5 American Elm; 3 American Linden; and 2 Autumn Blaze Maple. We are hoping to get them planted Spring 2023.